Image Source-Pixabay
It is very common to find that women are facing hair related problems all the time. Hair usually gets entangled, messy and unmanageable. Well, if you are facing the same problems, this post is exactly what you need.
Brushing hair the right way is very important. The best practice is to never brush hair immediately after shower as the roots can get damaged. Also, hair goes through a lot of friction, resulting in twists and turns. Therefore, it is always advisable to use a wide hairbrush and work through the knots to detangle them properly. As a result, it reduces the chances of breakage while shampooing and also avoid split ends.
Hot water is dangerous for your hair as it extracts the natural oil from the hair and makes the scalp dry. If you wash your hair with hot water then your hair will look dull, frizzy and thin. Therefore, it is always advisable to use cold or lukewarm water.
It is always recommended to shampoo the scalp and also the ends of the hair; as a lot of dirt collects there. According to a study, the hair should be conditioned within 15 minutes underwater, to avoid damage.
Excess shampooing of hair can cause dryness and thinning of the hair. If you shampoo more than twice a week then you increase the chances of root weakening and hair fall. The roots can be naturally conditioned daily to make the hair frizz free and lesser breakage. Thus, the hair should only be shampooed twice a week to keep them lustrous, shining and healthy.
It is very common to see women use a towel to rub wet hair to remove dripping water and dry them which results in breakage. It is therefore recommended to use a cotton cloth to gently wipe the roots and let the hair dry naturally.
The scalp is a very delicate area that needs to be handled carefully. The conditioner/masque disturbs the ph level of the hair which makes the hair weak and brittle. As a result, it leads to scalp inflammation which is very painful. Thus, it is advised only to condition the roots of the hair with coconut oil and apply conditioner on the length of your hair.
Scalp’s pores are clogged due to dirt and oil. The steam moistens them and makes it easier for the shampoo to remove the dirt. Hence it is advisable to moisten the hair with steam before shampoo.
These shower tricks are designed to help you maintain your beautiful locks, and keep them healthy. So, next time you shower, don’t forget to follow these tips to have a healthy hair wash!