Tag: baby powder removes excess oil
9 Easy Hair Care Home Remedies to Get Rid of Oily and Greasy Hair
Most of us often face the problem of oily and greasy hair. You shampoo your hair in the morning, but at the end of the day it looks oily, greasy & unwashed. This is...
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What causes Butt Acne – Know 5 Hacks To Get Rid of Butt Pimples
Butt acne or Buttne can be a result of clogged hair follicles, excess production of oil from pores, deposition of dead skin cells or...
Lose Weight Fast: Simple Diet to Lose Weight quickly in Just 2 Weeks
This diet plan is really simple as the diet is based on cucumber. Yes! Whenever you feel hungry have cucumber to avoid hunger pangs....
8 Spot Treatments to Get Rid of Blemishes, Scars and Pimple Marks Overnight
Got a special occasion to attend in a few days' time? And your face is still adorned with those villainous dark spots? Not to...
The Red Carpet by Map Studio’s Brings Together the World of Sports & Fashion...
Map Studio's by Masood Ahmed is hosting the Red Carpet event at Carnival cinemas on April 26th. This interesting platform...
8 Pro Make-up Hacks to Make your Nose Look Slimmer and Sharper
There are tons of makeup tricks and hacks that can make your nose look slimmer and sharper. Learn about the art of contouring, blending...