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Cherries for strong immune system

Anti-ageing & Antiseptic Magic Fruit – 8 Amazing Health Benefits of Surinam Cherries

Surinam Cherries are also known as Brazilian Cherries or Eugenia Uniflora.These cherries taste like mangoes and are highly flavored. Surinam cherries help in clearing the symptoms of gastrointestinal upsets and diarrhea-related problems. They have...

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How to Do Light Party Make Up – 9 Step by Step Tutorial with...

A fun night out is always incomplete without the perfect makeup. But all occasions don't require those heavy looks or dramatic eyes. A light...
10 things to carry for a beach vacation - beach

Beach Vacation Packing Tips – 10 Things To Carry in Your Beach Bag

Sunscreen and sand toys are something that everyone carries. But there are more important things that people forget to pack while planning to head...

Masks to Detox Skin: 13 Best Clay & Mud Face Packs Available in India

One of the five natural and basic elements that the Universe provides us with is 'mud'. It contains essential minerals which have therapeutic and...

How to Choose the Perfect Lipstick Shade for Indian Skin Tone – Tips &...

There may have been times when you have walked down the make-up aisle in some cosmetic store and stared at the various shades of...
How to remove waterproof mascara

7 Ways to Remove Waterproof Mascara Easily without Damaging Eyes

Running out of makeup remover at the middle of the night can be very annoying as sleeping with mascara on is not a good...