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Tag: cool shower hacks

shower tips for shiny hair

7 Shower Tricks To Keep Your Hair Healthy, Shiny and Smooth

It is very common to find that women are facing hair related problems all the time. Hair usually gets entangled, messy and unmanageable. Well, if you are facing the same problems, this post is...

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15 Must Try Products from Estee Lauder India for Blemish & Wrinkle Free Skin

A prestigious cosmetic brand of America, Estée Lauder Companies, is the mother company of many famous brands like Clinique, MAC Cosmetics, Bobbi Brown, Aveda...

The Red Carpet by Map Studio’s Brings Together the World of Sports & Fashion...

Map Studio's by Masood Ahmed is hosting the Red Carpet event at Carnival cinemas on April 26th. This interesting platform...
Health Benefits of Noni Juice

Noni Juice for Skin & Hair – Know 15 Proven Health & Beauty...

Noni is a natural fruit which is found in South Asia. Noni Juice is known for it's high nutrient value such as  Vitamin B3,...
how to do face yoga

Learn 6 Face Yoga Poses in Just 3 Minutes For Wrinkle Free & Slim...

Face yoga is an exercise for face which can help in losing face fat. The practice of face yoga became popular in mid nineties. Face...

Our List of 8 Best Body Butters to Buy this Winter Season

One of the biggest mistake people do is bidding goodbye to the ritual of moisturizing the body as soon as winter goes. Our body...