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Tag: hair care ideas

Now bring back the shine of your hair with these 10 simple home remedies

10-Simple DIY Homemade Natural & Organic Treatments For Dry / Damaged Hair

Every women dreams of having long, lustrous and healthy hair. However, in the world with pollution problem, stress and hectic lifestyles, long and lustrous hair remain a dream for most women. When the cuticles get...
shower tips for shiny hair

7 Shower Tricks To Keep Your Hair Healthy, Shiny and Smooth

It is very common to find that women are facing hair related problems all the time. Hair usually gets entangled, messy and unmanageable. Well, if you are facing the same problems, this post is...

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How to Choose the Perfect Lipstick Shade for Indian Skin Tone – Tips &...

There may have been times when you have walked down the make-up aisle in some cosmetic store and stared at the various shades of...
Tips to remove facial hair naturally

How to Remove Face Hair – 8 Effective Ways to get Rid of Facial...

Facial hair on a woman is also known as Hirsutism. It can occur at any age but it is most likely to be seen...

What is Keratin? – 8 Hair Care Tips Post this Chemical Treatment

Let us begin with a little piece of info about what actually is keratin? It is a fibre made up of proteins which is...

5 Summer Hairstyles Ideas for Long Hair which are Perfect for the Warm Indian...

The dreaded Indian summer is just around the corner and it may be a good time to begin planning your warm weather hairstyle. Summers...
12 Trendy Popular & Best Lipsticks from MAC

Top 12 Trendy Popular & Best Lipsticks from MAC for 2018

Found in Toronto, this much celebrated cosmetic line Make-up Art Cosmetics ( MAC ) came to India some years back. It provides high quality...