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Tag: hair fall with dandruff

Natural home remedies for dandruff

11 Instant Natural Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dandruff from Hair Fast

Dandruff is a result of dry scalp. The skin cells clump together due to the oil from the scalp and appear as white flakes. The ph level of the scalp is damaged due to...

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Health benefits of amla and aloe vera

8 Surprising Benefits of Aloe vera & Amla Juice for Skin, Hair & Weight...

Aloe vera: The Magical Plant Extract Originated in the Sudan, it grows in arid climates of Africa and India. It is a succulent plant having...

5 Summer Hairstyles Ideas for Long Hair which are Perfect for the Warm Indian...

The dreaded Indian summer is just around the corner and it may be a good time to begin planning your warm weather hairstyle. Summers...
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Kamuklife – A Perfect Guide to Spice Up Your Sex Life!

Who says the older you get, the lesser sex you enjoy with your partner? Just because you have been married for a long time...
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Top 10 Essentials to Carry for a Camping & Trekking Trip

Traveling to the mountains is always fun but it can get very uncomfortable at times if you are unprepared for the trip. Make sure...
products for oily skin

Oily Skin Care – 14 Best Moisturizers, Fairness Creams, Lotion & Gels for Oily...

Every morning when you get up from sleep do you find your entire face covered in oily layers? Well, it means that the pores...