Tag: hair mask for dandruff
11 Instant Natural Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dandruff from Hair Fast
Dandruff is a result of dry scalp. The skin cells clump together due to the oil from the scalp and appear as white flakes. The ph level of the scalp is damaged due to...
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Get Rid of Dark-Dry Elbows & Knees – Know 21 Home Remedies for Instant...
Dark elbows can turn out to be very embarrassing at all times. They are usually caused by dry skin, sun exposure, pressure or friction,...
Our List of 8 Best Body Butters to Buy this Winter Season
One of the biggest mistake people do is bidding goodbye to the ritual of moisturizing the body as soon as winter goes. Our body...
14 Best Face Serum for Anti-Ageing, Hydrating & Skin Renewal in India
It is time to give the moisturizers a miss and opt for face serums which are a lightweight alternative option. They get absorbed into...
Top 15 products from Sephora India for Dry Chapped Lips- Reviews & Price
A french cosmetic store SEPHORA boasting of its own cosmetic line started offering different ranges of various types of beauty products starting from perfumes...
Detox with Water: Know 6 Facts that will Help You Lose Weight Quickly
Every day numerous times, we raise that cup of water to our lips. Let's just pause for a moment and marvel at the thought...