Tag: hassels to the hair
9 Easy Hair Care Home Remedies to Get Rid of Oily and Greasy Hair
Most of us often face the problem of oily and greasy hair. You shampoo your hair in the morning, but at the end of the day it looks oily, greasy & unwashed. This is...
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Drop Holiday Weight: 11 Simple Tips to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks
It is common to gain weight during holidays. When during the holiday season we are surrounded by good food and sweets, one simply can...
Keratin Hair Smoothing Treatment: Everything You Need to Know
Keratin is a fibre made up of proteins which is the fundamental building material of hair in the human body. Although, insoluble in water...
Top 12 Trendy Popular & Best Lipsticks from MAC for 2018
Found in Toronto, this much celebrated cosmetic line Make-up Art Cosmetics ( MAC ) came to India some years back. It provides high quality...
10-Simple DIY Homemade Natural & Organic Treatments For Dry / Damaged Hair
Every women dreams of having long, lustrous and healthy hair. However, in the world with pollution problem, stress and hectic lifestyles, long and lustrous...
Know 6 Reasons to Opt for Laser Hair Reduction at Clinic Calee Sector 18...
Every few weeks I have to run down to the salon to get waxing done. Or, waste precious time shaving my legs when I...