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Tag: huda beauty foundation price

What products to stock or buy from huda beauty India

4 Must Have Makeup Products from Huda Beauty India- Check Reviews & Price

Aptly known as the  beauty-mogul, Huda Kattan is a blogger turned makeup line owner who rose to fame with her customized fake eyelashes. The lashes paved her way into being a well known name...

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12 Trendy Popular & Best Lipsticks from MAC

Top 12 Trendy Popular & Best Lipsticks from MAC for 2018

Found in Toronto, this much celebrated cosmetic line Make-up Art Cosmetics ( MAC ) came to India some years back. It provides high quality...

The Red Carpet by Map Studio’s Brings Together the World of Sports & Fashion...

Map Studio's by Masood Ahmed is hosting the Red Carpet event at Carnival cinemas on April 26th. This interesting platform...

Know 6 Reasons to Opt for Laser Hair Reduction at Clinic Calee Sector 18...

Every few weeks I have to run down to the salon to get waxing done. Or, waste precious time shaving my legs when I...
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6 Must-do Simple Skin-Care Routines Before Bedtime to get Fair & Flawless Skin

We all crave for fair, clean and clear skin and stress out as soon as we get acne or any other blemish. Don't worry!...
Cherries for strong immune system

Anti-ageing & Antiseptic Magic Fruit – 8 Amazing Health Benefits of Surinam Cherries

Surinam Cherries are also known as Brazilian Cherries or Eugenia Uniflora.These cherries taste like mangoes and are highly flavored. Surinam cherries help in clearing...