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Tag: pimples a sign of puberty

simple home remedies to get rid of pimples

Acne Problem: 5 ways to Get Rid of Pimples in Just 5 hours

Got a study date with Mr. crush or a high school dance to attend this weekend and the zits are playing spoilsport? Ugh! as if life did not have enough problems already! Or have you...

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Top 10 Smudge Proof Under Rs. 500 Eyeliners & Pencils to Try- Read Review & Price

Top 10 Smudge Proof Under Rs. 500 Eyeliners & Pencils to Try- Read Review...

There are days when you fall short on your pocket money or are determined to go on with the saving schemes. Basically you are...
best foundations for dry skin

8 Best Foundations for Dry Skin Available in India with Review & Price

You are here on this page so I'm assuming you too are overwhelmed with the problems of your dry skin. It doesn't matter how...

Body Massage Therapy at Home – Relax with these 5 Massaging Tools in Just...

After an exhaustive and tiring day out at work, what our body craves the most is a relaxing massage. A good massage has the...
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Top 15 Picks from Nykaa Luxe Store – Best Skin Care Products for Anti-Aging,...

Nykaa, currently the leading online beauty market in India, takes its beauty products very seriously. So, when we at CisMis decided to surf through...
learn the art of deep meditation

10 Steps to Learn the Art of Deep Meditation for Relaxing your Mind

Meditation is known as closing the eyes and focusing on the breathing. It's considered to be good for the brain and helps in fighting...