Tag: RJ Naved
The Red Carpet by Map Studio’s Brings Together the World of Sports & Fashion...
Map Studio's by Masood Ahmed is hosting the Red Carpet event at Carnival cinemas on April 26th. This interesting platform will bring together the world of sports and fashion in...
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PRP for Skin Rejuvenation & Hair Loss Treatment at Calee Noida: Cost,Benefits,Recovery
Women have opted for various types of treatments through decades to get better skin and a better chance to get their imperfections corrected. A...
Drop Holiday Weight: 11 Simple Tips to Lose Weight in 2 Weeks
It is common to gain weight during holidays. When during the holiday season we are surrounded by good food and sweets, one simply can...
10-Simple DIY Homemade Natural & Organic Treatments For Dry / Damaged Hair
Every women dreams of having long, lustrous and healthy hair. However, in the world with pollution problem, stress and hectic lifestyles, long and lustrous...
Top 5 Shampoos for Chemically Treated & Colored Hair- Reviews & Price
Nowadays, instead of a choice, chemically treating our hair for newer looks and freedom from frizz has turned into a necessity. Making the hair...
The Face Shop Real Nature- Top 10 Sheet Masks with Review & Price
The Face Shop is a South-Korean cosmetic line producing a wide range of products for women's use from body care to makeup. It came...