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Tag: take a steam before applying shampoo

shower tips for shiny hair

7 Shower Tricks To Keep Your Hair Healthy, Shiny and Smooth

It is very common to find that women are facing hair related problems all the time. Hair usually gets entangled, messy and unmanageable. Well, if you are facing the same problems, this post is...

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Natural home remedies for dandruff

11 Instant Natural Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Dandruff from Hair Fast

Dandruff is a result of dry scalp. The skin cells clump together due to the oil from the scalp and appear as white flakes....
Eyeliner styles

10 Eyeliner Styles for Beginners – Step By Step Tutorial with Images

Most of us ladies can't even think of stepping out of the house without our eyes lined with kohl. Liners are like armours protecting...
how to remove face pigmentation - use these 14 products to lighten and brighten face.

De-Tan & Remove Skin Pigmentation Instantly – Try these 14 Amazing Creams, Masks, Face...

A very unfavorable condition that our skin goes through at times is 'hyper pigmentation'. It occurs when the rate of deposition of melanin in...
Know simple hacks t avoid butt acne

What causes Butt Acne – Know 5 Hacks To Get Rid of Butt Pimples

Butt acne or Buttne can be a result of clogged hair follicles, excess production of oil from pores, deposition of dead skin cells or...

Top 11 Most Popular Eye Shadows from MAC for Indian Skin Tone

The Indian skin tone varies as much as the innumerable Indian cultures, if not more! It changes from dark browns in the southern parts...